Vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free restaurants in Frankfurt
Updated January 2025 - please check the individual websites for opening times.
It can be difficult to find vegetarian, vegan and gluten free restaurants in the centre of Frankfurt so I've listed some of the places that I like, which offer something for alternative appetites. I've used the following markers at the beginning of each restaurant for easy identification:
V = Vegetarian
VG = Vegan
GF = Gluten free
If you know of any other cafes or restaurants to add to the list…send me a comment!
Near the main station (Hauptbahnhof) and Willy-Brandt-Platz
V - Saravanaa Bhavan (Kaiserstr. 68) is 100% vegetarian and serves the best Indian food in town. Try the dosa, it's a good as any in India! Close to the main station in the Bahnhofsviertal.
V, VG & other allergens - Kaiserzeit (Kaiserstr. 59) close to the main station is an organic bakery which opens early (7am) to cater for the breakfast crowd. It identifies all manner of options and allergens including wheat-free and lactose-free (no GF though!)
V, VG, GF - Beets & Roots (Kaiserstraße 44) Fresh bowls and a menu that clearly states allergens. Plenty of choice.
V, GF - Pizzeria Scicilia (Niedenau 9) on request this tiny, basic pizza place serves up excellent, gluten-free, pizza. Close to the Bahnhofsviertal however it is slightly off the beaten track and only opens: Mon - Fri from 11:30a - 3.30pm.
V, VG - Elaine’s Deli (Taunus Tor 1-3) in the park at the base of one of the office buildings, Elaine’s Deli has varied and delicious bowls, salads and freshly made sandwiches. Opens at 07:30 on weekdays.
Frankfurt city centre - vegan, vegetarian and gluten free cafes and restaurants - click here for interactive map
In the city centre and old town
V, VG, GF- Mainkai (Mainkai 15) is just south of the Cathedral in the old town. It's known for it's breakfasts and offers plenty of choice for vegetarians and also some gluten-free and vegan options. At the weekend reserving a table for breakfast is advised!
V, VG, GF - Metropol Cafe (Weckmarkt 13-15) is right behind the Cathedral. Plenty of seating inside and on a sunny day it has a lovely garden to relax in. Metropol is popular with the locals at the weekend and has the option of a vegan breakfast. Vegetarian and vegan options are also available at other times of the day.
V, VG - Lebegesund (Kleinmarkthalle) A market stall perfect for lunch tucked away at the back of the Kleinmarkthalle. Lebegesund offers a variety of vegan dishes to take away.
V, GF - Isabella Glutenfreie Patisserie (Neue Kräme 29) 100% gluten free and not just cakes either! Filled sandwiches and croissants too.
V, VG - Zeil-Kitchen (Zeil 92) In the heart of the shopping area. Exclusively vegetarian with some vegan options and allergens also listed.
V, VG & other allergens - Kaiserzeit (Börsenplatz 1) An organic bakery which opens early (7am) to cater for the breakfast crowd. It identifies all manner of options and allergens including wheat-free and lactose-free (no GF though!)
V, VG, GF - Fit Kitchen (Töngesgasse 11) Although focussed on low-carb there are vegetarian and vegan options to. Their menu clearly denotes other allergens.
V, VG Badias (Römerberg 6a, by the Schirn Art Gallery) Lovely vegetable platters and fresh food in the heart of the “new” old town. GF* Badias does not formally offer GF food for coeliacs. If you however, just have an intolerance, there are plenty of dishes without gluten ingredients.
V, VG, GF - Mystery of Pizza (Brückenstr. 36) It’s a small restaurant so make sure you reserve. Delivery and collection service also offered.